Personal Law
February 5, 2019

Converting a Civil Partnership into a Marriage

In the second of our short films we look at the possibility of converting a Civil Partnership into a Marriage.

If you have any further questions, or would like to arrange an appointment to discuss any legal matters, please do contact us.

To see other films, in which members of our Family team answer the top ten questions we are asked on divorce, financial settlement, cohabitation and civil partnership, follow this link.

You can convert your civil partnership into a marriage at a registry office or a religious or approved premises.

You will need to sign a conversion into marriage declaration. Once you have converted your civil partnership into a marriage you will receive a marriage certificate. This will be dated with the date you entered into a civil partnership.

You can make an appointment to do this with the Superintendent registrar at your local registrar office. You will need to take your original civil partnership certificate with you and ID such as a passport or birth certificate.

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