Personal Law
February 7, 2019

Divorce and Court

In the third of our short films we look at whether you need to go to court to get a divorce.

If you have any further questions, or would like to arrange an appointment to discuss any legal issues, please do contact us.

To see other films, in which members of our Family team answer the top ten questions we are asked on divorce, financial settlement, cohabitation and civil partnership, follow this link.

The aim, in every divorce case, should be avoiding court. By doing this you avoid stress, delays and considerable expenditure of funds.

If both parties work together with both the divorce and the financial issues by completing all the paperwork, and lodging it at court it is possible to never see the inside of the court building.

However, it is not just divorce that must be taken into consideration. It is often the finances that is significant and the court won’t necessarily look at the finances unless it is asked to do so. So, bare in mind parties can have the divorce resolved but not the finances. This is why a financial settlement should be in place at the same time as a divorce.

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