Speak to a Trusted and Compassionate Divorce Solicitor in Sevenoaks

Our team of family law solicitors can help with all aspects of divorce and the dissolution of civil partnerships, including matters relating to children and finances.

We understand that, at a very difficult time in your life, you will value sensitive and sensible advice to assist in achieving the best possible outcome for you. We are committed to helping you resolve issues arising from a relationship breakdown in a constructive, fair and reasonable way. 

We aim to make the process as simple and stress-free as possible by:

  • Taking the time to listen and understand your position
  • Advising you on where you stand and what you and your ex-partner’s legal rights are
  • Ensuring you receive the best outcome for you and, where relevant, your children

We take time to understand the issues our clients face with sensitivity and use our extensive expertise to achieve positive outcomes. If you’re at risk of domestic abuse, we will make it a priority to keep you safe. 

Divorce Solicitor in Sevenoaks

Arrange a one hour fixed fee appointment with one of our experienced and friendly Divorce Solicitors in Sevenoaks for £100 + VAT

We will call you within one working day to arrange an initial, no obligation appointment that is convenient to you.

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Our Specialists

Our legal teams have a genuine passion for what they do. Their specialist knowledge is an absolute given and they take pride in working with clients to help them achieve the results they seek in their professional and personal lives.

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us.

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